In 2004, after years of admiring each other’s work, Kimberly MacArthur Graham and Bonnie Ferrill Roman embarked on an expansive collaborative project that would end up spanning several years, resulting in a large body of collaborative work. In all cases, MacArthur Graham created the oil and mixed media on panel elements of the pieces, and Ferrill Roman created the handmade paper & branches elements. Neither artist worked on the other’s ‘part’ - but they did respond to each other’s work to create integrated artworks. The artists presented three collaborative “solo” exhibitions of the resulting works; The project became known as “Cross-Pollination”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
24” x "24” x 2”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
24” x "24” x 2”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
24” x "24” x 2”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
Each Approx. 24” x 16” x 8”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
Approx. 30” x 30” x 3”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
Approx. 30” x 30” x 3”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel,
Branches, twine, wax
Approx. 28” x 28” x 4”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Branches, twine, wax
Approx. 96” x 32” x 4”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
23” x 53” x 8”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
Approx. 28” x 52” x 8”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
Approx. 56” x 96” x 6”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
Approx. 56” x 96” x 6”
Oil paint and mixed media on panels, Branches, handmade paper, twine, wax, chalk pastel, beeswax
Approx. 180” x 72” x 6”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax, light
70” x 21” x 12”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax, light
68” x 16” x 11”
Oil paint, tar paper and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, encaustic, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax, light
16” x 48” x 5”
Oil paint, tar paper and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, encaustic, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax, light
16” x 48” x 5”
Oil, Tar paper and mixed media on panel
Handmade paper, encaustic, natural inclusions, light, glue
48” x 48” x 5”
Oil paint and mixed media on panel, Handmade paper, branches, twine, wax, chalk pastel, natural objects, beeswax
Each approx 12” x 12” x 2”